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Celebrating Culture & Creativity, Bring Art into Your Home

Art is an integral part of a home. Artworks have the potential to enliven a space and add a distinctive character to it. Here’s how to begin with it.

Art in home Beyond Designs

Image ©Beyond Designs.

From entrance lobbies to living and dining rooms, art has made its way into bedrooms to even bathrooms, imparting color, texture, and a certain mood. Art can enrich a space with grandeur, lend a serene appeal, or ignite curiosity and intrigue, or evoke nostalgia. However, bringing art in is an art in itself. Merging interiors with your desired art could become tricky. We speak to some interior experts on how to do it step-by-step.

Do it right

Art in home Nivasa

Image ©Nivasa.

Art works at various levels. The way to bring art into interiors is by treating it as a fundamental part of your interior plan. Just the way you consider the furniture, lights, color palette, textures, patterns in your room, you must pay attention to art. Selecting the right art for each space is the first step. Most importantly, the art piece or a sculpture should speak to you and speak for you as an individual. It should reflect your individuality, for you to seamlessly fuse it into your space. 

Sachin Gupta and Neha Gupta, Founders & Interior Designs Duo, Beyond Designs, explain, “If you are in the process of doing up your space, then focus on the art as much as you would on the other elements. When you select in conjunction with other elements, then it has a better chance of integrating with the environment beautifully and of adding to the character of the space. Selecting an artwork is mostly based on instinct. You need to fall in love with the piece and would want to have it in your space. That gives you the confidence to go with it. A lot will depend on the budget too. When you are buying for existing interiors, then your main consideration will be whether it will fit into the environment.”

"…art can be integrated into various interior elements, such as incorporating art-inspired fabrics or patterns in upholstery or using one-of-a-kind furniture pieces crafted by artisans."

Art in home Attico Homes

Image ©Attico Homes.

If you are debating on changing your interiors to suit your art or the other way around, it is advisable that once your interiors are ready, bring in art that complements it. But if you have a statement art piece and you are in the process of doing up the space, then probably you want to make the art piece the centre of focus in the space. Then the rest of the interior will have to play the supporting role. It all depends on the context. 

Blend it in

Art can have different definitions for different people. It doesn’t have to be a canvas-based painting only. Saba Kapoor, Co-founder, Nivasa, explains, “Depending on the desired ambiance, the artwork can range from paintings to sculptures or even installations. Additionally, art can be integrated into various interior elements, such as incorporating art-inspired fabrics or patterns in upholstery or using one-of-a-kind furniture pieces crafted by artisans. By merging art in interiors, we enhance the aesthetic appeal and add depth, story, and soul to the space.”

Art in home TAQ

Image ©The Art Quorious.

The placement of the art is a crucial factor in creating a harmonious interior. You want to make everything seem cohesive, yet want your art to stand out just a tiny bit. It has to be a conversation-starter, without being too obtrusive.

Mili Savekar, Founder, Interiors by Mili says, “One must ensure that the artwork is the correct size and hung at the correct height. I have seen so many people go wrong with this. The type of art is a very personal choice but the size and fitting are extremely crucial to get it right. The other way is noting down areas where art would likely be the focal point of the space and start designing the space first. And then look for a piece of art that can blend in well.”

Art in home Attico Homes

Image ©Attico Homes.

In the case of smaller pieces, you can create a gallery wall or a collage.

Art attack

Once you know the kind of art you want or like, a great way to build your collection is to visit galleries and art stores, and explore works of upcoming artists across genres online. Both modern and traditional art have their own charm but make sure it fits in with your home’s aesthetic. Pop art also has its place in contemporary interiors where it is mostly used to infuse colors, patterns, playfulness, and an element of quirk. 

"Art is one of the most wonderful mediums through which we can incorporate a myriad of emotions and thoughts in an interior space."

Art in home Nivasa

Image ©Nivasa.

Art is a journey that evolves, as do our tastes and aesthetics. Don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone, take risks, and explore new forms of art that challenge and inspire you. Sangita Rajani, Director, Curator of The Art Quorious (TAQ), says, “Buy something you love. And only if you love it, should it enter your home. If you have good advisors, listen to what they say but at the end of the day, this is yours – you must decide. I would advise against being an art snob. Just because the artist may not be famous yet, does not mean that the art is not brilliant. You never know whom you may help uncover. Be a leader. Not a follower. One should look at the art from zero judgment – good art is good art! No words needed.” 

Remember, collecting art is not just about following trends but expressing your unique perspective and creating a collection reflecting your journey and passion for the arts. Parnika Jhulka Kapoor, Co-founder, Attico Homes says, “Art is one of the most wonderful mediums through which we can incorporate a myriad of emotions and thoughts in an interior space. As art is available in both 2D and 3D aspects, it can be utilised in multiple ways.” Enjoy the process, let your collection evolve organically, and allow it to bring joy and inspiration to your life.