Sotheby’s to auction the private collection of the Dillee family

Sotheby’s to auction the private collection of the Dillee family

Pair-of-Louis-XV-pot-pourri-jars-in-Meissen-porcelain-and-gilt-bronzeFebruary 12, 2015: Sotheby’s has announced an auction of the private collection of the Dillée family, a renowned Parisian dynasty of specialists and collectors of furniture and works of art, on March 18 in Paris. Consisting of 450 lots, the sale will be divided into two sessions, including French decorative arts from the 17th to the 19th centuries, Old Master paintings and drawings, bronzes, scientific objects and Antique arms.

Mario Tavella, Deputy Chairman of Sotheby’s Europe and Chairman Private Collections, said, “Their [Dillée family’s] Cabinet d’Expertise has seen some of the most beautiful objects go through its doors before being passed onto collectors, auction houses and institutions. We are hoping that the Dillée sale will attract new and old generations of collectors, as well as the notable museums that the Dillée family has dealt with in the past.”

The name of Dillée has been inextricably linked with the art and auction world. Founded in 1925, the Cabinet has been headed by Guillaume Dillée since 1995, after a seven-year collaboration with his father. Over the last few decades, they have assisted Paris auctioneers and have taken part in important auctions staged in all the capital's legendary venues: the Hôtel Drouot, the Galerie Charpentier, the Palais Galliera and the Musée d’Orsay. Recognised for their knowledge and expertise, they were also passionate collectors, building up works whose sale has been entrusted to Sotheby's France. The primarily 18th century furniture, works of art, paintings and drawings show a precise, knowledgeable taste.  

This remarkable collection was assembled by three generations, each having helped to pass on a certain taste. It includes rare objects of great charm, previously unseen on the market, which will appeal to seasoned enthusiasts who love beautiful pieces, showcasing the French lifestyle of 18th century.

Today, having spent 26 years travelling all over France in search of masterpieces, Guillaume Dillée wishes to develop the international aspect of his business. Given the growing interest in European decorative arts of an emerging foreign clientele who recently began to approach him, he has decided to open an acquisition consultancy firm in Melbourne and settle permanently in Australia – a country where there is a flourishing community of new art-loving buyers with considerable knowledge of Europe and its museums. He eventually hopes to rejuvenate his activity and flourish throughout the Asia/Pacific zone.