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13 Questions with Jahan Tahiliani

A 28 year old who finds social media tedious, Jahan Tahiliani believes in the power of community. And sports. There is more to him than just his lineage

Jahan Tahiliani CEO Ahilia HomesIt would be completely wrong to say that he is only a son of Indian designer Tarun Tahiliani. The young 28 year old Jahan Tahiliani is also the CEO and Promoter of Ahilia Homes and packs much more than meets the eye.

Unlike his aesthetically inclined father, Mr. Jahan chose to undertake the operations and finance side of business. Handholding the home and interior business of Mr. Tarun Tahiliani, Mr. Jahan is currently overseeing all operations at Ahilia Homes, from sourcing land, financing, project management, sales and post sales services. As a reflection of his success, Ahilia Homes has delivered Rs 100 crore worth of inventory for its clients, starting from 2016 when it was set up.

Along with extensive economical experience in the real estate and capital markets, Mr. Jahan has an innate eye for uniqueness, exquisite materials and love for design (even though all design-related work is left to his father). He knows how to flourish and embellish a business, making it a success.

A surprisingly mature individual, Mr. Jahan is a book lover and fierce believer in the power of people. We quiz this sports enthusiast with our 13 questions.

LuxuryFacts: What did you want to become as a child?
Jahan Tahiliani:
It changed over the years. I started off wanting to become an athlete during my pre-teen years. Eventually it changed into a musician in middle school. When I graduated high school I was hell bent on working in micro-finance. When I graduated from university, I wanted to work in the sports science industry. A lot has changed since then.

What was the life experience that impacted you the most? How and why?
The life experience that has impacted me the most was taking the decision to leave my previous organization and start my current venture. The learning curve has been immense and 4 years in to this journey I still feel like a fresher everyday in some regards. Being a student never ends.

Jahan Tahiliani

What advice would you give to your 18-year old self?
Trust the process and follow your instincts. With the lack of exposure at that age it’s virtually impossible to be certain about where you will end up in the future or where your career or life path will take you. Keep your eyes and ears open.  Learn, read, listen and engage with your surroundings and constantly take out time to think about where you are in your journey and where you want to go.

What was the last thing that made you genuinely laugh?
Monty Panesar on a UK television trivia show called Mastermind. I highly recommend it.

What is the most exciting part of your work day? The most tedious?
The most exciting part of my workday is when we get to see our new designs and creations come into fruition. The most tedious part of my workday is discussing anything that involves social media, as that is an alien concept to me.

How do you decompress?
I like to play sports, I like to play instruments and I like to read in my free time.

What was the first thing you thought about this morning?
Having been away from work, the backlog I have to catch up on

Jahan Tahiliani playing footballWhat is the last thing you do before going to bed?
Read my book

What is the one luxury item or service you can’t live without?
Live sports broadcast

What is the meaning of life?
Not to sound like a nihilist at all but I don’t think there is an over arching meaning of life. I think that entire notion is beyond what any of us can imagine. So I think if you’re searching for a meaning, it’s going to be a long road ahead. Not to say you shouldn’t have a purpose or to be actively involved and engaged in your community. The meaning of life is PEOPLE, RELATIONSHIPS and COMMUNITY.

What’s love? 
Trying to describe what the word love means to us is easier said than done. If someone asks you to describe the love you have for your parents, your spouse or your pets – I don’t think you can put it adequately into words. Love is that feeling of warmth and comfort inside you that you try to express in many languages, but simply fall short. That’s love.

What are you most afraid of?
I sometimes get scared on flights, when they have heavy turbulence.

What is one existential, difficult-to-answer question you wished you knew the right response to?
What space-time continuum were we in before the big bang? What did infinite emptiness look like? Mind = blown.