Maison Margiela and Christian Louboutin orchestrated a groundbreaking fusion of avant-garde allure and drama in their collaborative 2024 Artisanal Collection. The brainchild of Maison Margiela’s Creative Director John Galliano, this extraordinary collection redefines style by seamlessly blending cutting-edge fashion with a touch of Parisian enchantment.
Christian Louboutin shared, “John and I met about 40 years ago when he first moved to Paris. Working with someone you love, and respect was really the nice part of the collaboration. Moreover, Maison Margiela has such precise and strong codes that you can refer to, which are very well preserved.”
Over 12 months, the haute couture ateliers at Maison Margiela gave birth to this transformative collection, unveiling several innovative techniques. Maison Margiela’s 2024 Artisanal Collection, in collaboration with Christian Louboutin, resulted in six haute couture silhouettes that epitomize the ritual of dressing.
The shoes in the collection have a unique design called Tabi split-toe pumps and have large platforms and heel caps that look like hoofs. The collection also includes Tabi lace-up derbies inspired by mid-century policemen’s silhouettes, appearing in various materials and prints.
Likewise crafted with prothèse-augmented heel caps and magnified platforms, Tabi knee-high boots in ponyskin employ the reverse degradé technique is employed through hand-painting to evoke an animal-like sensibility.
Mr. Galliano, a maestro with fabrics, has the ability to transcend the ordinary and craft a collection that captivates with its daring and otherworldly allure. Mr. Louboutin adds a touch of sophisticated drama with his designs.